"If I Was You" submission

I recently  participated in an illutration project organized and run by Sandra Dieckmann, a London based illustrator doing wonderful art herself. The great idea of her project "IF I WAS YOU" is, that every artist gets to draw an illustration that is somehow connected to his/her predecessor. Mine was Murray Somerville and I drew something that was connected to what he told in the three questions every artist has to answer. You also have to give a statement 'If I was....".
All the artists up on the project site are a very fun mix and sure worth checking out. So here is my illustration but in order to see what I would do if I was Murray you have to stop by the IF I WAS YOU -site. I cannot give everything away here, right?

Wish you all a Happy Easter!


  1. This sounds very cool!
    Love the illustration its really cute..love your style! :)

  2. awesome piece!! happy easter to you too! beautiful blog!

  3. Very nice! Thanks for the If I was you site too.

  4. This is fantastic! It sounds like a great project :)

  5. :)thats a fantastic illustration. just love their wall creations!!

  6. Soooo coool! Wow!!! Fantastico! :-))))

  7. Great work! Love the idea of the kids painting the characters that come to life!


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